Community Wisdom & Resources
Ever Unfolding has been shaped by the wisdom and grace of many beloveds. This is a short list of wisdom sources who have informed practices and worldview in ways that may also be of benefit to you:
The People's Institute for Survival & Beyond
The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond is a multiracial, anti-racist collective of organizers and educators with the aim to undo racism and other forms of oppression, dedicated to building a movement for social transformation.

Women With A Vision
Women With A Vision, Inc (WWAV) is a community-based nonprofit, founded in 1989 by a grassroots collective of African-American women in response to the spread of HIV/AIDS in communities of color.
Over the last 25 years, WWAV has become New Orleans’ premier women’s health organization combining service and advocacy to address the social conditions and injustices that impact New Orleans's most targeted women.
Taproot Earth
Taproot Earth builds power and cultivates solutions among frontline communities advancing climate justice and democracy.

The Adaway Group
The Adaway Group is a black woman-owned firm that provides consulting and training services in the areas of race equity, inclusion, social justice, strategic planning, and organizational change.
The Wildseed Society
The WildSeed Society's mission is to help us get free from capitalism and domination. To do that, we are cultivating a spiritual community that supports activists and organizers in Movement:
Rebels holding the line of defense and buying us time to get out
Nurturers seeding and growing the future we can move into
So we can all get our needs met with dignity and in caring community.

Community Book Center
Community Book Center is more than just a bookstore, we are a social hub of the Seventh Ward and your support allows us to continue to host local events and feature African-centered books, art, fabric, jewels and an assortment of gifts and trinkets. Going strong for four decades, CBC has been the oldest, and sometimes the only, Black bookstore in the New Orleans area.

Contact Us
Would you like to learn more about how Ever Unfolding can help to nourish you or your group/congregation/organization? Do you have a hope for collaboration or accompaniment you'd like to share?
Reach out to us today!
You can email us directly, or fill out the form below.